Scientific Publications in 1999

Robotics and Magnetic Bearings: Prof. G. Schweitzer

Frei, P., Lauche, K., Ruf, L., Büchi, R., Schweitzer, G.: Magic Carpet: Vibrationsförderer für den ebenen Transport und die Ausrichtung von Stückgütern. Optimierung der Produkt- und Prozessentwicklung, Beiträge aus dem Zentrum für integrierte Produktionssysteme (ZIP), vdf Zürich, p. 19-32, 1999.

Frei, P., Wiesendanger, M., Büchi, R., Ruf, L.: Simultaneous Planar Transport of Multiple Objects on Individual Trajectories Using Friction Forces. Proceedings of the Workshop on Distributed Manipulation of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Detroit, MI, May 11, 1999.

Gruener, G. : Control of Time-Critical Robotic Rehabilitation. Proc. 1st Joint Biomedical Engineering Society and IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA, 1999.

Hodac, A., Siegwart, R.Y.: Decoupled Macro/Micro-Manipulator for Fast and Precise Assembly Operations: Design and Experiments. SPIE Conference on Microrobotics and Microassembly, Vol. 3834, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, September 21-22, 1999.

Lösch, F., Gähler, C., Herzog, R.: Low-Order Mu-Synthesis Controller Design for a Large Boiler Feed Pump Equipped with Active Magnetic Bearings. 1999 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel, Kohala Coast Island of Hawaii, Hawaii, USA, August 22-27, 1999.

Schweitzer, G., Tschichold-Gürman, N., Vestli, S.J.: Operating Experiences with Service-Robots - Examples from Mail Distribution. Proc. ACRA Australian Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Brisbane, p. 216-221, March 30-April 1, 1999.

Zlatnik, D., Schweitzer, G.: Dynamics and Control of a Computerized Knee Prosthesis. Proc. EUROdiname ´99, Dynamic Problems in Mechanics and Mechatronics, Univ. Ulm, Germany, p. 325-330, July 11-16, 1999.

Schweitzer, G.: Auf dem Weg zur intelligenten Maschine. io management, Nr. 6, p. 102-106, 1999.

Schweitzer, G.: Mechatronics and beyond - how Structural Dynamics Will Change. In: Advances in Dynamics and Mechatronics, 60. Birthday of Prof. M. Hiller, Duisburg, p. 3-4, September 20, 1999.

Schweitzer, G.: What do we expect from intelligent robots?. Proc. IEEE/RSJ IROS 99, Kyongju, Korea, p. 1271-1278, October 17-21, 1999 (invited plenary lecture).

Vuskovic, V., Kauer, M., Dual, J., Bajka, M.: Method and device for in-vivo measurement of elasto-mechanical properties of soft biological tissues, Machine Graphics & Vision International Journal, No. 4, Vol. 8, 1999.

Vuskovic, V., Blaser, R., Spiga, A.: Vision-Based Device for In-Vivo Measurement of Elasto-Mechanical Properties of Soft Tissues. Book of Abstracts, Euromech 406 Colloquium: Image Processing Methods in Applied Mechanics, Warsaw, Poland, p. 227-230, May 6-8, 1999.

Kauer, M., Vuskovic, V., Dual, J.: In-Vivo Measurement of Elasto-Mechanical Properties of Organic Tissue. Proc. European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference, EMBEC ´99, Vienna, Austria, p. 270-271, November 4-7, 1999.

Wullschleger F. H., Arras K. O., Vestli S. J.: A Flexible Exploration Framework for Map Building, Proceedings of the Third European Workshop on Advanced Mobile Robots (Eurobot ´99), Zurich, Switzerland, p. 49-56, September 6-8, 1999.

Weingaertner, W. L., Tavares, R., Müller, M.: Projeto Conceitual de uma Fresadora de Altíssima Velocidade de Corte, Proc. COBEM Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecânica, Águas de Lindóia - SP, Brazil, November 22-26, 1999.

Weingaertner, W. L., Tavares, R., Peres, R., Müller, M.:Desenvolvimento de uma Fresadora de Altíssima Velocidade de Corte. Proc. CIDIM Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Mecánica, Santiago de Chile, Chile, November, 1999.

Weingaertner, W. L., Müller, M., Buss, L., Felsky, L. G.: Adaptation of a Conventional Machining Center to Machining with a High Speed Motor Spindle, Proc. CREEM 99, Congresso Nacional de Estudantes de Engenharia Mecânica, UnB Universidade de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil, August, 1999.

Weingaertner, W. L., Müller, M., Boeira, A. M., Weingaertner, W. C.: Magnetic Bearings and their Application in High Frequency Motor Spindles. Proc. CREEM 99, Congresso Nacional de Estudantes de Engenharia Mecânica, UnB Universidade de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil, August, 1999.

Nanotechnology: Prof. A. Stemmer

Heinzelmann, E.: Nanotechnologie industriell genutzt. Technische Rundschau Nr. 20. p. 54-56, 1999.

Jacobs, H.O., Knapp, H.F., Stemmer, A.: Practical aspects of Kelvin probe force microscopy. Rev. Sci. Instrum.70, p. 1756-1760, 1999.

Jacobs, H.O., Stemmer, A.: Measuring and modifying the electric surface potential distribution on a nm-scale: a powerful tool in science and technology. Surf. Interface Anal. 27, p. 361-367, 1999.

Knapp, H.F., Stemmer A.: Preparation, comparison, and performance of hydrophobic AFM tips. Surf. Interface Anal. 27, p. 324-331, 1999.

Reilly, G.C., Knapp, H.F., Stemmer, A., Niederer, P., Knothe Tate M.L.: Using atomic force microscopy to image the lacunocanalicular system of cortical bone. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 14(S1), p. 553, 1999.

Voumard, P., op de Hipt, M., Knapp, H.F., Stemmer, A., Leonard, D., Mathieu, H.J.: Anti-stiction hydrophobic coatings for microsystems. CSEM Scientific and Technical Report 1998, p. 26, 1999.

Institute of Robotics Homepage

Mai 2000, V. Vuskovic, F. Wullschleger

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